Emergency Planning and Response on the Humber
Marine Response Centre
A centre has been equipped and is ready for immediate occupation at Grimsby Port Office in the event of a Tier 2 or Tier 3 pollution incident or a major shipping incident on the Estuary.
The Humber Estuary Serious Marine Emergency Plan (HESMEP)
This emergency plan, which has been formulated after discussions with and agreement by the appropriate authorities on the Humber, sets out the action to be taken in the event of a serious marine emergency occurring within the limits of ABP's area of navigational jurisdiction on the Humber.
This plan defines a serious marine emergency as an incident affecting shipping on the Humber which creates, or is likely to create, a significant danger to human life, property or the environment and which requires, for its proper control, resources not directly or immediately available to those persons at the scene of the incident.
The Humber Marine Pollution Plan " Humber Clean"
To meet the requirements of The Merchant Shipping (Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-Operation Convention) Regulations 1998, an oil spill contingency plan, "Humber Clean", has been prepared.
This plan is activated when a Tier 2 pollution incident occurs.
Humber Oil Pollution Preparedness and Response Committee (HOPPRC)
The HOPPRC Committee is a committee chaired and run by ABP HES to coordinate all those stakeholders in the Humber Estuary region who would be involved in the event of an oil pollution event. The committee aims to improve continuously the prevention, preparedness and response to oil spills in the Humber Harbour Area.
This committee meets quarterly and is made up of participants from:
ABP Immingham.
Humber Emergency Planning.
The Unitary Authorities bordering the Humber Harbour Area.
BP Amoco Chemicals, Saltend.
Crude Oil Terminals (Humber) Ltd., (Conoco).
Immingham Storage Ltd.
Associated Petroleum Terminals (Immingham) Ltd.
Plus other invited guests, e.g., ABP Hull, ABP Goole, EA, MCA, DEFRA, etc.